Directions to the EH&S Office
To Campus
Maps and written directions to campus can be found at the UCSC Maps Site
On Campus
Legible, printable pdfs of campus maps
View detailed close-up of EH&S vicinity
To the EH&S Trailer
Entering campus at the Main (east) entrance, head north on Coolidge Dr. for 1.6 miles. Continue onto McLaughlin Dr for 0.8 miles. Then turn right onto Heller Dr., immediately make another right and left, to come in behind the Jack Baskin Engineering (JBE) Building loading dock. Proceed up the steep twisty section of roadway to the parking areas behind Engineering 2 (Parking lot 139) and continue to the far end, where you can turn left up toward the woods. Set along that back drive there will be a brown, single-wide trailer, a greenhouse made of whitewashed glass, and the EHS office which is the brown, double-wide trailer with a wooden deck and access ramp.