IIPP Components and Instructions

  • Management within each division/department/unit must have an active role in understanding and maintaining the Injury and Illness Prevention Program for their division or department. Please review all sections of the IIPP Components and follow the instructions provided.
  • If you have questions about IIPP please send your inquiry to the IIPP Help Group (iipphelp-group@ucsc.edu).
IIPP Components 
Section 1
  • A formal Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) Written Plan is required by Cal/OSHA. Each division and/or department must download and keep this document in their IIPP folder. The IIPP folder can be a digital folder kept on a department’s network drive, or a physical binder kept with department management. The UCSC IIPP Written Plan document (below) serves as a template that department management can customize (if needed) to make the plan details relevant to the division/department/and/or unit(s). Managers and supervisors in each division/department should read and understand the IIPP Written Plan. Employees must be able to request access to the department’s IIPP Written Plan if they wish to read it.
  • IIPP Written Plan Template
Section 2
  • Division/department management: please download and use this form (below) to designate persons of authority and responsibility. Delegation of roles is acceptable and should be documented on the form. Department/division management is always responsible for the safety of their employees (including compliance with IIPP). Divisions/departments/units can designate one or more employees as the IIPP Coordinator to help organize and keep IIPP records, document trainings, and interface with EH&S as needed.
  • Please keep your updated Identification of Responsible Persons Form in your department’s IIPP folder.
  • Identification of Responsible Persons Template
Section 3
  • All UCSC employees are required to complete IIPP Orientation Training. This information provides a description of fundamental IIPP components, roles, and instructions to learn more about unit specific IIPP requirements.
  • All employees can complete this required training on the UC Learning Center.
  • This is a mandatory training and all UCSC employees will be automatically prompted to complete the course by the UC Learning Center email automated outreach. Records of employee IIPP Orientation Training are held in the UC Learning Center and can be accessed by request.
  • A condensed version of this information can be found on the IIPP Orientation Page.
Section 4
  • Assessing Hazards
  • Departments are responsible for ensuring safe work environments for their employees, and conducting hazard assessments is part of this process. Depending on work duties, training, and responsibilities, UCSC employees will have varying degrees of involvement in this process. Hazard assessment can range from routine internal office inspections conducted by supervisors, to formal Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). Laboratories must use the Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT).
  • Reporting Hazards
  • It is essential to report hazards in a timely manner. For any emergency dial 911 immediately.
  • Ways to report a Non-Emergency Hazard:
    1. Notify your Supervisor PI, or Manager. This is often the most expedient and effective approach.
    2. Call the Work Order Desk (9-4444) to report campus repair and maintenance issues.
    3. Contact EH&S at 9-2553, or send EH&S an anonymous report by using the Non-Emergency Hazard Alert Form.
    4. You can use the Non-Emergency Hazard Alert Form to complete and email to supervisors or appropriate parties.
  • Mitigating Hazards
  • UCSC employees who possess adequate training and authorization are often able to mitigate small (known) hazards. Larger hazards or complex hazards will require communication and mitigation efforts coordinated by appropriate units and external resources. This is why prompt and effective hazard reporting is essential. If you are unsure about a hazard or not authorized to mitigate a hazard please remove yourself from harm’s way and report the hazard to the appropriate source.
Section 5

Please follow the instructions below and report all work related injuries to Risk Services.

Section 6
  • Employee training is an essential component of IIPP. Every department is responsible for ensuring that their employees have received and maintain all required trainings, certifications, and licenses. Training must be conducted and documented, and training records must be available upon request. Employees are required to have many different types of training. Many required trainings are completed in the UC Learning Center and those training records are kept in that system. Others may be conducted in-person by department management, 3rd party vendors, or accrediting bodies. For required training records that are not conducted in the UC Learning Center, departments or units should keep digital copies of training records for employees.
  • Training Matrix download (MS Word document)
  • Training Sign-In Sheet download (MS Word document)
Section 7
  • Inspections are essential to maintain workplace safety. Offices, labs, facilities have many different elements and varying requirements for inspections and inspection frequency. Your unit must comply with these requirements and use appropriate methods and documentation for this process. Only trained and authorized staff should conduct inspections. Inspections may be done internally by Principal Investigators, Managers or Supervisors, and/or in coordination with FOA Safety Services Staff (EH&S, Fire, Emergency Services) or external subject matter experts.
  • Documenting Inspections
  • At UCSC all laboratories use the online RSS INSPECT tool for documenting inspections. Some other facilities and units also use the INSPECT tool, while some use their own checklists or narrative reports with photos to document findings. Departments must comply with inspection frequency based on regulatory requirements (for specific laboratory environments), or establish a suitable inspection schedule for spaces that do not have standardized frequency requirements (office spaces, shops, mechanical spaces, etc). In addition to inspections of physical spaces, inspections are also required for many types of equipment, chemicals, and infrastructure.
Section 8

Each record type has its own retention requirement as listed below.

  • Accident Investigations/Report of Work Injury: 3 years
  • Workplace Safety Inspection Form: 3 years
  • Hazard Alert Forms: 3 years
  • Employee Training: 3 years
  • Hazard Identification/Correction: 3 years
  • DW1 Employee Claim Form : 3 years 2
  • Medical Authorization Form : 3 years 2
  • Radiation Exposure Monitoring: 30 years 4
  • Asbestos or Lead Exposure: 30 years
  • Employee Designation of Physician: 2,3
  • Safety Data Sheets: 1

1 As long as material is used by the department 2 Contact Risk Services for more information on Workers' Comp. form 3 As long as an individual is employed by the department 4 EHS is the Office of Record only for EHS employee records and Radiation Exposure Monitoring records. Individual departments are the Office of Record for all other IIPP documentation listed above.


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