Diving and Boating Safety

Program Description

Diving at UCSC includes both recreational and scientific SCUBA diving. The Athletics Department teaches basic, advanced, rescue and divemaster SCUBA classes and also sponsors the SCUBA Club. Please go to the Athletics and Recreation link in the left menu bar for more information. Scientific diving at UCSC includes courses and research projects based in Monterey Bay and at sites worldwide.

The Diving Safety Program (DSP) assists, trains and maintains students, faculty, and staff in compliance with UCSC scientific diving regulations, as well as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) requirements. The Diving Safety Program offers the following:

  • Scientific diving certification and associated courses needed to meet UCSC, OSHA and AAUS standards;
  • Review of all scientific diving and boating project proposals;
  • Networking for UCSC scientific divers and divers at other marine science institutions; (If you need divers to assist with your research or would like to assist on a project, contact the DSP office.);
  • Resource center for diving safety, equipment and general diving information;
  • Opportunities for advanced and diving leadership training;
  • Maintenance of boats and motors, and boating training for scientific divers;
  • Ensures that the recreational scuba program meets relevant training standards and regulations.

For more information please contact Diving Safety Program <divingsafety@ucsc.edu>.

UCSC Boating Safety Program


The UCSC Boating Safety program oversees all boating that occurs under the auspices of the campus. To ensure safe operation and proper care all users must be trained and/or checked out by the Boating Safety Officer <boatingsafety@ucsc.edu>, even kayak users. If you need to use the boats for your research please fill out and submit a Boating Proposal form well in advance of your planned use to allow time for training.

UCSC is a founding member of the Scientific Boating Safety Association, created to standardize boat training in the scientic community. Click on the link below for more information.



The office for the Scientific Diving and Boating Safety Program is located in the Ocean Health Building, Long Marine Laboratory, Santa Cruz. The DSP's equipment shop is located in the Marine Support Building at the Ocean Health building complex. Recreational dive classes are taught through Physical Education by instructors at the East Field House on the main campus.



Diving Resources

Dive Logs

Calendar - Cylinders

Dive Manual and Forms

Diving Incident /Accident

Diving Control Board

Scientific Diving Classes

Scientific Skin Diving


Maintaining Certification

Athletics and Recreation


DAN Membership


Boating Resources

Calendar - Boats

Boating Forms / Boating Manual

Scientific Boating Safety Association (SBSA)

Vessel Breakdown Protocol

Boating Incident / Accident

Boat Training

Boat Trailering

Private Vessel Use

Vessel Chartering

Vessel Use in Mexico

Boating Safety Committee (SBC)


Weather Links