Lab Glassware and Sharps
Changes and Reminders from EH&S - November 2013
Questions? Contact
Chemically contaminated glasswaste (glasswaste you previously tagged with a haz waste label):
- No hazardous waste is allowed in glass waste boxes – use a hard walled container such as a five gallon pail provided by the Thimann Stockroom or EHS
- Contact to help determine if your waste meets the definition of hazardous
- If you currently have hazardous glasswaste in glasswaste boxes, mark the container as ready for disposal or we will be coming around and collecting them by the end of the year
Non-contaminated glasswaste:
- Continue to use the glasswaste boxes
- Only collect glass and plastic in boxes
- Do NOT use for solid debris (gloves, bench mats), EtBr, or reagent containers with remaining liquids
- No more than 25lbs
- Tie inner bag, tape lid and place out for custodial to transport to the dumpster
- Campus will be phasing out the “Pitch In Stickers”
- Moving forward we would like to move towards recycling the non-contaminated glasswaste from labs, so segregation is important
Autoclaved sharps (previously biohazardous):
- Once autoclaved may be placed into the trash or dumpster (EHS will not pick up anymore)
- Deface biohazardous symbol
Contaminated lab debris with haz waste tag:
- Recommendation: Use a five gallon pail with an inner liner, when are ready for pick up, tie inner bag and place in location for pick up
- If use method above, place haz waste tag in sleeve on outside of pail and move the haz waste tag to the outside of the bag once it is closed. Reuse pail with new inner liner.