Chemical Hazardous Waste
EH&S requires that all persons generating or handling hazardous waste receive training by taking the eCourse - Hazardous Waste Training.
To take the e-Course in the UC Learning Center
- Log in with gold username and password
- Go to: Quick links – Catalog (blue button)
- Select: Laboratory and Research Safety
- Select: Hazardous waste management for laboratory personnel
If you have any questions about the process or questions about the training, please email
Is your waste hazardous chemical waste?
A hazardous waste is any material, which is intended to be discarded, and which exhibits any of the following characteristics: Flammability, Corrosivity, Reactivity, or Toxicity.
To determine if your material is a hazardous waste, follow the flow charts and guidelines in the Hazardous Waste Determination Guide
If you need more help determining if your waste is hazardous, contact the Hazardous Waste Manager at or call 459-4454.
Hazardous Waste Storage and Management Requirements
On campus laboratories
Lab Hazardous Waste Storage Requirements
Lab Hazardous Waste Storage Self-Inspection Checklist
Off campus laboratories and all other storage locations
Non-Lab Hazardous Waste Storage Requirements and off campus laboratories
Hazardous Waste Labeling
Login to the WASTe application to create hazardous waste labels and mark containers as ready for pick up.
Accessing the System
- The Responsible Party or Delegate will need to add you to their waste generator account.
- Go to
- Login with your Cruz ID (your UCSC email) and gold password
- Update your user information
- Start creating tags
If you need assistance creating a waste tag, scheduling a pick-up, or have questions about the program, contact EH&S at (831) 459-4454 or
For any issues with the system or access to it, please contact the ERM Service Desk at or 530-638-DESK (3375)
Help pages are provided in the application in the top right corner
Need Hazardous Waste Plastic Sleeves for your labels?
- PBSci - Thimann Stockroom, SIN MCDB Office 2nd floor, PSB Chemistry Mailroom 2nd floor, EMS EEB Mailroom A316
- SoE - JBEB 285
- LML - Contact Randolph Skrovan
Need containers for your hazardous waste?
Five gallon carboys provided for liquids and five gallon pails provided for solids.
- PBSci - containers available from the Thimann Stockroom from 10am-12pm M-F
- All other Divisions - contact
Guidance Documents
Ethidium Bromide – Ethidium bromide contaminated solids are disposed in a plastic, lined 5 gallon pail labeled with a WASTe tag. Disposal method of ethidium bromide contaminated liquid is determined on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Hazardous Waste Manager for
Mercury Thermometer Exchange Program
Waste Minimization
The average cost for disposal is 7-10 times the purchase cost of a material; generators are strongly encouraged to find recycling alternatives. If you would like assistance with waste reduction alternatives, contact EHS (459-4454 or 459-2553).