Laboratory Safety Manual

This on-line Laboratory Safety Manual (LSM) provides information regarding protection from health hazards associated with the laboratory environment in accordance with applicable California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) regulations, including the "Chemical Hygiene Plan" requirements specified in 8 CCR 5191. The LSM serves as a resource for identifying and evaluating the nature of potential laboratory hazards, as well as determining appropriate hazard controls. The information in this manual applies to all laboratories that use, store or handle potentially hazardous materials and all personnel who work in these facilities.

This on-line manual, in conjunction with your lab-specific information, replaces the printed Chemical Hygiene Plan (the former Appendix J of the IIPP "slug" binder). The laboratory Injury & Illness Prevention Program is located in your lab at the beginning of the "Slug" binder, as well as here - Injury and Illness Prevention Program.  

Review Date

The Laboratory Safety Manual was last reviewed on January 2, 2025. Revisions are made continuously throughout the year by EH&S Staff.

Lab-Specific Information

Because each lab is different, and processes change routinely, each lab has the responsibility to maintain lab-specific safety information and documentation. The Principal Investigator is responsible for documenting lab-specific information, including:

Lab-specific information must be reviewed and approved by the Principal Investigator when new processes are added, existing processes change significantly, or at least annually. 

General Lab Hazard and Safety Information

The following document, excerpted and edited from the UCLA Chemical Hygiene Plan, provides general chemical hazard information, as well as exposure control and safety information. 

General Lab Safety Information

Pyrophoric Chemical Information

Pyrophoric materials can ignite spontaneously on contact with air. All work conducted with these materials must follow an approved SOP addressing the specific process used in the lab (including such points as specific hood/area, transfer techniques, PPE required, no lone worker policy, etc.). The SOP must specify the use of a flame-resistant or Nomex lab coat and gloves. The SOP must also clearly describe procedures to be taken in the event of an emergency. This SOP must be reviewed, approved, and signed by the PI.

Pyrophoric Chemical Information

Hazard Alert

Researchers working in UCSC Laboratories have the right to report workplace hazards without the fear of reprisal (8 CCR 3203 (a)(3)). Principal Investigators are responsible for informing researchers how to access and submit a Hazard Alert form by having hardcopies available or directing individuals to the EH&S on-line form. Hazard Alert forms, whether hardcopy or electronic, can be submitted anonymously.

Hazard Alert Form


"Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards," National Acadamies Press, 2011

Title 8, California Code of Regulations, Section 5191 (8 CCR 5191), "Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories"

Title 8, California Code of Regulations, Section 3203 (8 CCR 3203), "Injury and Illness Prevention Program"


UC Santa Cruz acknowledges the assistance of the UCLA Office of Environment, Health & Safety, whose Chemical Hygiene Plan (December 2011) and webpage ( have served as useful resources.