PPE Resources
Types of PPE
No PPE will protect you from everything. You must carefully evaluate the features and hazard resistance of PPE before selecting that item for your lab. Once PPE has been selected for the lab, all personnel must be trained on the effectiveness and proper use of that equipment. Remember that PPE manufacturers regularly change and/or update their products, as well as the supporting information.
Our Common Lab PPE Guide provides a convenient reference for the most commonly used PPE. Information includes general physical description, appropriate uses, limitations, and source details.
General PPE
Lab Coats
A first hand accounting of the importance of always wearing your PPE. |
An introduction to personal protective equipment. |
Make sure you are safely dressed for work in the "chemical splash zone" (adjacent area). |
Our eyes are a critical part of everyday life, protect yours. |
I Wish I Wore My Safety Glasses Familiarize yourself with the proper emergency procedure after chemical exposure to the eye. |
Gloves should stay in the lab. Where are you taking yours? |
Glove Removal Safety
Gloves provide an important protective barrier, improper removal can compromise this protection. |
What shoes would you wear into a research laboratory? |