Lab Safety Representatives (LSRs)
Next Lab Safety Meeting
October 31, 2024
PSB 240
Welcome LSRs! Thank you for serving as the EH&S contact and coordinator for your laboratory. Your support is critical in maintaining a safe laboratory work environment. Please do not hesitate to contact EH&S ( or 9-2553) with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. We welcome your input.
New LSR Checklist
LSR Responsibilities
LSR Responsibilities
If you're a new LSR for your lab, congratulations!
The Lab Safety Representative (LSR) serves as the conduit for questions and safety information between the lab group/Principal Investigator and EH&S. The LSR should understand the lab’s procedures and equipment in order to assist in the process of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling laboratory hazards. Note that ultimate responsibility for lab safety rests with the Principal Investigator.
First Steps:
- Print and update Appendix A in the IIPP binder with you as Lab Safety Representative.
- Update the roster for your lab, select yourself as the new 'Delegate'. (
- Update the Flip Chart Door Template with your information. Please email for a new template, if needed.
Ongoing Responsibilities:
Help maintain your lab's chemical inventory using the UC "Chemicals" inventory system (
Coordinate with EH&S on annual safety inspections, correct deficiencies, and maintain records of corrections through the Safety Inspection Tool (
Ensure that waste containers are properly labeled or tagged through WASTe ( Waste Labeling Guide
Ensure that all lab members have access to Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE. Contact with any PPE related questions.
- Serve as the lab group’s primary safety and compliance contact for the Department, Division, and EH&S (note that communication will also be sent to the PI on most issues).
- Attend Quarterly LSR meetings (organized by EH&S).
- Ensure the online UCSC EH&S Lab Safety Manual is readily accessible via computer, and that all lab group members have reviewed relevant information in the Manual.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Work with EH&S to coordinate the development of written Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for hazardous procedures, listed UC Regents Lab Safety Settlement Agreement chemicals (Exhibit I), and particularly hazardous materials. Ensure that SOPs are reviewed and signed by the Principal Investigator.
- Resource: SOP web page
- Ensure the availability of lab-specific SOPs.
- Maintain documentation of SOP review and signature by lab personnel.
- Promote yearly review of SOPs by those using the process and the Principal Investigator.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Ensure the availability and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
- Resource: PPE web page
- Resource: Splash Zone video
- Resource: Stay Protected video
- Resource: Outfit for Safety video
- Encourage/support lab personnel to use PPE (note that the PI is ultimately responsible for PPE usage in the lab).
- Maintain training documentation for lab personnel (note that lab personnel are responsible for participating in training and providing documentation to the LSR).
- Ensure that all lab personnel attend the online “Laboratory Safety Fundamentals” class.
- Resource: Link to “Laboratory Safety Fundamentals” class
- Resource: Information for UCSC Affiliates (e.g., Visiting Researchers)
- Ensure that all lab personnel attend the online “Hazardous Waste Management” class.
- Resource: Link to "Hazardous Waste Management for Laboratory Personnel" class
- Review and sign the “UCSC Laboratory-Specific Safety Training Checklist” with all new lab personnel.
- Resource: Link to Checklist
- Record Group Meeting Safety Discussions.
- Notify EH&S if additional safety-related training is needed for the lab group. EH&S is available to attend group meetings for either updates or lab group-specific training or refresher classes.
Lab Hazard and Exposure Controls
- Ensure all engineering controls, such as fume hoods and glove boxes, are working properly prior to use. Promptly report problems to the PI, Department, Physical Plant, and EH&S as appropriate.
- Resource: Fume Hood Fact Sheet – PSB
- Resource: Fume Hood Fact Sheet – non-PSB
- Inspect fire extinguishers on a monthly basis and record date (for those labs that have a fire extinguisher mounted on the wall). This may be delegated to other lab personnel.
- Ensure those leaving the lab have disposed of their chemicals and gone through the check-out procedures (note that this is ultimately the PI's responsibility).
- Track and coordinate hazardous waste collection, labeling, storage and disposal.
- Coordinate with EH&S on annual safety inspections, correct deficiencies, and maintain records of corrections through the Safety Inspection Tool (
- Coordinate quarterly lab self-inspections, then document and track corrections and report issues that require assistance to the PI, Department, Physical Plant, and/or or EH&S. Encourage the participation of other lab personnel in performing the self-inspections.
- Resource: Laboratory Self-Inspection Checklist
- Work with lab personnel to minimize clutter.
- Resource: Clutter Fact Sheet