Boating Safety Committee

The Boating Safety Committee (BSC) is the policy making body for boating for UCSC.

The BSC provides focus and guidance to the Boating Officer, and has responsibility to: establish and/or approve training programs and boating projects; recommend changes in policy and procedure; review and approve proposals for research; recommend new equipment or techniques; review, revise, and assure compliance with the boating safety manual.

The BSC also acts as a Board of Appeal to consider boating-related problems; periodically reviews the Boating Officer's performance and program; takes disciplinary actions for unsafe practices; suspends boating programs which it considers to be unsafe or unwise; and serves as a Board of Investigation to inquire into the nature and cause of boating accidents and violations of the UCSC boating safety manual.

The BSC is made up of faculty, staff and students who use boats. For more information about BSC meetings, minutes from previous meetings, UCSC boating policy, or for questions about the BSC, please contact the Boating Safety <>

Committee Members

DCB Chair and Faculty Representative: Mark Carr
Professor, Department of EEB
Faculty Representative: Don Croll
Professor, Department of EEB
EH&S Representative: Steven Loveridge
Research Safety Programs Manager, EH&S
USGS Representative: Pete Dal Ferro
USGS Unit Diving Officer and Captain
Research Group Representative: Jason Toy
Kroeker Lab , Department of EEB
NOAA Representative: Steve Lonhart
Graduate Student Representative: Calvin Munson
Graduate Student, Department of EEB (
Staff Representative: Ashley Vizurraga
Managing Director, Long Marine Lab (
Ano Nuevo Representative: Patrick Robinson
Director, Ano Nuevo Reserve (
Big Creek Reserve Representative: Mark Readdie
Director, Big Creek Reserve, (
Diving Safety Officer: Dave Benet
Diving Safety Program, (
Recreational Boating Director : Rusty Kingon
Athletics & Recreation, (
Boating Safety Officer: Ian Moffitt
Boating Safety Program (