

In order to remain in active status, each diver needs to bring in their regulator set, gauges (spg, depth gauge, dive computer), BC and drysuit (if you have one) annually. You cannot do any science diving if your gear does not have a current inspection on record. If any or your gear fails inital inspection it will need to be serviced and then re-inspected prior to being cleared for use. It is each diver's responsibility to follow the manufacturer's recommendations in regards to servicing their equipment.

Personal gear requiring inspection should be dropped off at the front desk in the Ocean Health building at Long Marine Lab, M-F, 9a-4p. The gear should be in a dive bag or containter labeled with your name and email. Gear should be well rinsed and dry and BCs drained of water. Also check to make sure your dive computer does not need new batteries. The ideal time to do this is during Winter Quarter when there is much less field activity. Contact Diving Safety <> for more information. The program can also provide equipment loans to appropriately trained, active scientific divers on a short term basis. It should be reserved in advance by contacting the DSP technician. Just like a library book, you are responsible for the equipment you borrow!