Vessel Chartering
If you anticipate chartering a vessel for University related work you need to be aware of:
1) You should contact UCSC Purchasing and Risk Services as soon as possible to begin the due dilegence process for UCSC insurance requirements. Typically, a charter consisting of 1-10 passengers requires $5 million in liability coverage, more passengers will require greater coverage amounts.
2) You should contact the Boating Safety Office for help in vetting vessels as to their meeting Federal and State vessel regulations.
3) Principal Investigators need to read the UCSC Scientific Boating Manual and understand their specific responsibilities as to chartering a vessel under their auspices.
4) Please complete the Charter Questionaire prior to contacting Purchasing so that insurance requirements can be determined.
5) Please use Charter Vessel Check List to assist you with the inspection of the vessel prior to leaving the dock.
If you have questions regarding this please contact Boating Safety <>.