Vessel Use in Mexico

If you anticipate using a vessel for University related work in Mexico you need to be aware of:

  1. In order to assure clearance of Mexican customs, it is essential that paperwork for any small boats transported by trailer to Mexico is on hand. This includes:
    1. Copy of validated registration for vehicle towing boat

    2. Copy of validated registration for boat trailer

    3. Copy of validated registration for the vessel

    4. Letter on University letterhead from either the chair of the Scientific Boating Committee or Director of Long Marine Lab authorizing the transport and use of the vessel in Mexico

    5. It is also desirable to have on hand a letter from any Mexican collaborator on appropriate letterhead, stating the collaboration, it’s purpose, and a list of US collaborators ­ including the investigator transporting the vessel. This is often extremely useful for Mexican customs.
  2. All rules and regulations for operation of vessels in remote locations in the US apply to small boat operations in Mexico. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to have reviewed the UCSC Scientific Boating Manual and to understand their specific responsibilites when operating a vessel in remote locations.

    If you have questions regarding this please contact Boating Safety <>.